Email Templates

You can easely customize all ticket email templates by going to Setup -> Email Templates -> Tickets

Here is a list for all ticket email templates:

  • New Ticket Opened (Opened by staff, sent to customer) – (Sends to customer when ticket is opened from admin area)
  • Ticket Reply (Sent to customer) – When admin add ticket reply this email will be sent to the customer.
  • Ticket Reply (Opened by custom ersent to staff members) – When client reply to ticket and an email will be sent to all staff member which department is the same like the ticket department.
  • New Ticket Open Autoresponse – (When client open new ticket autoresponse message)
  • New Ticket Created (Opened by custom, sent to staff members) – (When new ticket is opened by customer all the staff members which department is the same like the ticket department receives this email)
  • Auto Close Ticket – This email will be sent when cron auto close the ticket.

Feel free to disable any of the email templates if you dont want to be send.

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